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OLD Relieve

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RELIEVE ESSENTIAL OIL is a calming and invigorating blended essential oil that helps relieve stress and improve overall mood. Relieve is your perfect companion to soothe fatigued muscles after a physical activity. Transport your senses to a calming rainforest and get back to feeling like yourself again in no time.

  • Rosmarinus officinalis Flower Oil Lavandula officinalis Flower Oil Eucalyptus Oil Mentha Piperita Oil
  • PAIN RELIEF: Relieve essential oil has been used traditionally to relieve pain. It may be applied topically, with a carrier oil, to areas experiencing discomfort. ANTI-INFLAMMATORY EFFECTS: Relieve Essential Oils have anti-inflammatory properties. It could potentially be used topically to reduce inflammation and soothe irritated skin. IMPROVED COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Relieve essential oil has been associated with enhanced memory and concentration. Inhalation of the aroma may stimulate the brain and improve cognitive performance. MENTAL CLARITY AND FOCUS: Inhaling the aroma of Relieve Essential oil may have a stimulating effect on the mind, promoting mental clarity and concentration. This makes it a popular choice for aromatherapy during study or work. HEADACHE: Inhaling the aroma of Relieve essential oil through methods like diffusers, inhalers, or steam inhalation may help promote relaxation and alleviate headache symptoms. MIGRAINES: Relieve essential oil is sometimes considered beneficial for migraines, due to its potential analgesic (pain-relieving) and anti-inflammatory properties.


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